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CobsonTalks WABAG
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Cobson will ALWAYS be a gem

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gemerald website



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Phil is on Level One, CobsonTalks in on Level Zero
>I have two big bills coming up this month
>I WILL need your support
>I WILL not be having lunch meat sandwiches
>I WILL be having a meal out with my wife on my day off
>And there WILL be total detractor death

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add my banner

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File: 1723081354903.png (49 KB, 600x800, jannyhap.png)


Apply for Janny here: https://talks.soyja.cc/form.php

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you all better bow down to the supreme leader caca

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Fuck it, rainbow dash on der 'log

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cobson and rye will always be gems

File: 1723079661251.gif (1.02 MB, 536x706, 78023 - SoyBooru.gif)


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