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Cobson will ALWAYS be a gem

File: 1726369318733.png (9.01 KB, 572x762, cobson talks forward facin….png)


hello im scientoloju, creator of the original cobsontalks sprites. ama or however the thread dies


gem or something


dfna i kneel


Do you like johnson


File: 1728270664769.png (38.38 KB, 558x713, ClipboardImage.png)

Yes i love johnson




File: 1734446584547.gif (1.98 KB, 60x40, beerchug.gif)

how many times have you remembered this thread exists in the last 3 months


why did you make a soycord and then after being exposed for owning a soycord and getting banned for you instead of trying to ban appeal you became a hostile user?

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